PEJ New Media Index: Bloggers Ponder Every Aspect of Obama's Inauguration

PEJ New Media Index: Bloggers Ponder Every Aspect of Obama's Inauguration

From the preparations to the swearing-in to the music, President Barack Obama's inauguration was by far and away the dominant subject debated and dissected by bloggers, user news sites and other social media last week.

That discussion often diverged from the one in the mainstream press, though the historic nature of Obama's road to the White House created a week when both the online and traditional media focused on the same story.

In the new media, seemingly every aspect of the ceremony was critiqued often quite passionately, the emotions ranging from euphoria to dread.

In the more traditional press, the inauguration disappeared fairly quickly and the focus moved onto to the politics of the stimulus package and other Administration business.

These are some of the findings of the premiere edition of a new feature, the New Media Index, by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Read the full report Bloggers Ponder Every Aspect of Obama's Inauguration on the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism Web site.

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