Online Video Audience Surges

The audience for YouTube and other internet video sites has risen sharply the past year. Nearly half of online adults now say they have ever visited such sites. And, on a typical day at the end of 2007, the share of internet users visiting video sites was nearly twice as large as it had been at the end of 2006. The basic findings in a national phone survey that ended in December show:

  • 48% of internet users said they had ever visited a video-sharing site such as YouTube. A year ago, in December 2006, 33% of internet users said they had ever visited such sites. That represents growth of more than 45% year-to-year.
  • 15% of respondents said they had used a video-sharing site "yesterday" -- the day before they were contacted for our survey. A year ago, 8% had visited such a site "yesterday." Thus, on an average day, the number of users of video sites nearly doubled from the end of 2006 to the end of 2007.

Read the full report Increased Use of Video-Sharing Sites on the Pew Internet & American Life Project Web site.