The State of the States 2007

The State of the States 2007

The 2007 edition of's annual survey of trends includes:

POLITICS: Elections bring blue wave and news plans to statehouses
POLITICS: 2006 Was year of surpluses, social issues
TAX & BUDGET: Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge? Some states aren't joking
HEALTH CARE: States think big on health reform
HOMELAND SECURITY: Are you a citizen? Prove it
WELFARE: Tighter rules usher in second decade of welfare reform
EDUCATION: Lake Wobegon U.S.A — Where all the children are above average
DEATH PENALTY: Lethal injection on trial

And briefs on hot topics such as minimum wage, immigration, same-sex marriage, stem cells, alternative energy, property rights, self-defense laws, sex offenders, property tax and S-CHIP renewal.