My Voice, My Life, My Future

My Voice, My Life, My Future
Half a million abused and neglected children in this country are living in foster care. While the foster care system is intended to be a temporary refuge until families are able to put their lives back on track, far too many foster youth find themselves separated from all that is familiar and experience a turbulent life in motion as they drift from placement to placement.

Children living in foster care, by definition, have undergone life-shattering upheaval.  At a time when they desperately need a sense of consistency and stability, they are often thrown into an uncertain world of multiple placements, unpredictable contact with their birth family, and the inability to determine what happens to them. 

There can be no more eloquent portrayal of what youth living in foster care experience than the window into their existence provided by the work of these young artists and writers.

This project was assembled by Home At Last and the Children's Law Center of Los Angeles in conjunction with the May, 2006 Foster Care Awareness Month activities around the country and with the generous support of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

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