Save Antibiotics September Newsletter (2011)

Save Antibiotics September Newsletter (2011)

The Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming (HHIF) is working to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics by phasing out the overuse and misuse of these drugs in food animal production.

Since our launch in May, we've had more than 15,500 mothers, fathers, grandparents and others concerned about their family's health, join our Moms for Antibiotic Awareness. More than 1,400 of you have liked us on Facebook and another 3,500 are following us on Twitter. Thanks so much for your support!

Your support is still needed! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still has not taken any significant action to end the overuse of antibiotics in food animal production. We need to put as much public pressure on the agency as possible. We will be reaching out to you more often in the coming weeks to ask you to reach out to your networks of friends and colleagues to tell FDA and the White House why this issue is important to you.

Full Newsletter.

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