Save Antibiotics August Newsletter (2011)
Today, we need your help in urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to finally take a stand to protect antibiotics.
Why? Because the FDA oversees these drugs, which are overused in food animal production. The FDA has the authority to stop these harmful practices, but has yet to act decisively or swiftly.
FDA can issue what's called a guidance document and advise agricultural and pharmaceutical companies against the misuse of antibiotics on industrial farms. The agency issued a first draft of this guidance—Guidance #209, The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals—in June 2010. A revised version was supposed to come out earlier this year. However, the deadline to finalize their plan—June 2011—has come and gone. Tell FDA to protect the health of all Americans by keeping their commitments and taking action regarding antibiotic use on industrial farms.