Daniel Morgan Avenue "Road Diet"
South Carolina
South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health. Partners: South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Spartanburg Area Transportation Study, Partners for Active Living
The HIA examined the potential health impacts of the proposed re-striping and “road diet” of a downtown Spartanburg arterial road, Daniel Morgan Avenue (DMA). A road diet is a technique to reduce the number of lanes on a roadway to provide safe space for pedestrians and cyclists. The proposed road diet in Spartanburg would reduce the roadway to one travel lane in each direction with a center turn lane and the freed-up space would be used to provide a physically separated sidewalk for pedestrians and a physically separated bicycle lane for cyclists.
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HIA Report
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April 29, 2018
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At A Glance
Publication date:2012, April
Decision-making levels:Local
Sectors:Planning and zoning, Transportation
Additional topic areas:Bridges and roads, Active transportation, Planning
Drivers of health:Safe street infrastructure, Diet and physical activity, Safe and accessible active transportation routes
Affected populations:Economically disadvantaged
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Literature review, Primary research
Funding source:Other funding