Minnesota Drug Sentencing Reform
Council on Crime and Justice
The Council on Crime and Justice conducted an HIA to inform the Minnesota State Legislature’s decision to reform state drug sentencing laws by providing evidence-based information about the potential health impacts on individuals, families, and communities. The findings and recommendations show that particular changes in the proposed legislation could yield positive (or negative) health outcomes related to addiction, mental health, drug treatment, and family and community well-being.
This project is supported by funding from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation.
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April 29, 2018
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At A Glance
Publication date:2016, February
Decision-making levels:State
Sectors:Criminal justice
Additional topic areas:Addictive substances and behaviors, Legislation, Mental/behavioral health, Treatment alternatives, Reform
Drivers of health:Access to services/medical care, Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, Community safety, Education, Employment, Family and social support, Incarceration
Affected populations:Current/former correctional population, Racial and ethnic minorities
Community types:Urban, Suburban, Rural
Research methods:Literature review, Primary research, Focus groups, Qualitative research, Quantitative research
Funding source:Health Impact Project grantee