Healthy T for a Healthy Region
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council, with Harvard School of Public Health and the Boston University School of Public Health
Working with colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Boston University School of Public Health, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of the two proposals of fare increases and service cuts aimed at closing the Boston T's projected deficit of $161 million this year. Under Scenario 1, fares would increase by 43% and service reductions would affect between 34–48 million trips each year. Under Scenario 2, fares would increase by 35% and service reductions would affect between 53-64 million trips each year.
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April 29, 2018
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At A Glance
Publication date:2012, March
Decision-making levels:Regional
Additional topic areas:Public transit
Drivers of health:Access to services/medical care, Clean air and water, Diet and physical activity, Safe and affordable public transit
Affected populations:Economically disadvantaged, Racial and ethnic minorities
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Quantitative research
Funding source:Other funding