Mo’omomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area


Mo’omomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area
Location Molokai Hawaii
Organization The Kohala Center

The Kohala Center conducted an HIA of a pending decision by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources to designate the Mo’omomi fishery area on the north shore of Molokai as a Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area, which would allow for co-management of the fishery by the state and local communities.

The HIA examined how proposed changes to the fishery management policy could affect health through impacts on self-determination and control of resources, traditional marine resource management and transmission of ancestral knowledge for family and community subsistence, and commercial fish sales and income.

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The Health Impact Project’s toolkit contains resources that help communities, agencies, and other organizations take action to improve public health. The toolkit offers a collection of health impact assessments, guides, and other research to support policymakers’ efforts to consider health when making decisions across sectors, such as housing, planning, and education.

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At A Glance
  • Status:
  • Publication date:
    2016, April
  • Decision-making levels:
  • Sectors:
    Agriculture, Natural resources management
  • Additional topic areas:
    Food and nutrition, Production, Economic development, Water
  • Drivers of health:
    Diet and physical activity, Access to healthy food, Cultural well-being, Income and wealth, Employment
  • Affected populations:
    Racial and ethnic minorities
  • Community types:
  • Research methods:
    Literature review, Primary research, Qualitative research
  • Funding source:
    Health Impact Project grantee