City of Sheridan Comprehensive Plan Update


City of Sheridan Comprehensive Plan Update
Location Sheridan Colorado
Organization Tri-County Health Department

The Tri-County Health Department conducted an HIA of Sheridan’s Comprehensive Plan update, which is intended to help frame policies that maximize positive health effects and prioritize implementation strategies. The previous Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2004, had focused on programmatic municipal changes and guidance for specific properties in the community. One objective for the new plan was to include sections on transportation, connectivity, economic opportunities, neighborhood development, and the environment. The HIA examined the proposed plan’s potential impacts on residents’ economic opportunity, access to food, sense of safety and social connectedness, physical activity, and air and water quality.


The HIA team presented its findings and recommendations to the Sheridan Planning Commission and City Council in March 2015, and policymakers passed a resolution supporting incorporation of all of the report’s recommendations into the comprehensive plan, which was subsequently adopted June 8, 2015.

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The Health Impact Project’s toolkit contains resources that help communities, agencies, and other organizations take action to improve public health. The toolkit offers a collection of health impact assessments, guides, and other research to support policymakers’ efforts to consider health when making decisions across sectors, such as housing, planning, and education.

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At A Glance
  • Status:
  • Publication date:
    2015, June
  • Decision-making levels:
  • Sectors:
    Community development, Planning and zoning, Transportation
  • Additional topic areas:
    Long-range planning, Bridges and roads, Brownfields and Superfund sites, Active transportation, Food and nutrition
  • Drivers of health:
    Access to healthy food, Clean air and water, Safe and affordable public transit, Safe and accessible active transportation routes, Safe street infrastructure, Employment, Education, Income and wealth, Safe and affordable parks and recreational facilities
  • Affected populations:
    Economically disadvantaged, Chronic health conditions, Racial and ethnic minorities
  • Community types:
  • Research methods:
    Primary research, Literature review, Stakeholder interviews, Survey, Qualitative research, Quantitative research
  • Funding source:
    Health Impact Project grantee