Sacramento Safe Routes to School
The UCLA School of Public Health, in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Project MOVE, conducted an HIA on the health impacts of the Sacramento Safe Routes to School Program. The program seeks to reduce the number of children killed while walking and biking to school, and foster an active lifestyle among youth. The HIA focused on the health impacts of physical activity and pedestrian safety, violence and exposure to air pollution. The HIA found that walking to school alone is likely not enough for all children to get their daily amount of physical activity and recommended that other opportunities for physical activity be provided, including quality physical education classes and after-school programs that encourage physically active play and walking.
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Publication date:2004, November
Decision-making levels:Local
Additional topic areas:Active transportation, Schools
Drivers of health:Diet and physical activity, Education, Safe and accessible active transportation routes, Safe street infrastructure
Affected populations:Children
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Literature review, Qualitative research, Quantitative research
Funding source:Other funding