Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 (EPA) contracted with Human Impact Partners to develop the scope for a health impact assessment (HIA) of proposed expansion projects for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. The process included public meetings to bring stakeholders together for input. The EPA hoped to use the scoping project as a way to inform stakeholders about HIA and its benefits, and to develop a more concrete understanding of what an HIA on port projects and plans would entail. Some of the pathways and health issues included in the scope were: asthma and other respiratory diseases related to air quality during construction and port operations; stress, hypertension, and other noise exposure effects due to environmental noise during construction and post operations; health concerns related to water pollution from port activities and storm water run-off; traffic safety for pedestrians, bicycles, and drivers due to truck and rail traffic related to port activities; and displacement of residents, businesses, and community resources due to port projects and port-related activities.
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Publication date:2010
Decision-making levels:Federal
Sectors:Planning and zoning, Transportation
Additional topic areas:Economic development, Planning, Ports and waterways
Drivers of health:Clean air and water, Employment, Family and social support, Income and wealth, Safe, affordable, and healthy housing, Safe street infrastructure
Affected populations:Chronic health conditions, Economically disadvantaged, Older adults, Linguistically isolated, Racial and ethnic minorities
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Primary research, Focus groups, Literature review, Qualitative research
Funding source:Other funding