PSMA Ratification Progress
Port State Measures Agreement ratification progress mapped by country
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PSMA Ratification Progress
An interactive from 
Port State Measures Agreement ratification progress mapped by country
On June 5, 2016, the Port State Measures Agreement entered into force after it surpassed 25 ratifications. The international treaty, adopted by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in 2009, strengthens and harmonizes port controls to prevent illegally caught fish from entering the global market. Stronger port controls will leave criminal fishers with fewer places to sell their catch and greatly reduce illegal fishing around the world. The maps below show which nations have ratified the treaty and which have made progress toward doing so. Signing signals support for the treaty but is only one step toward ratification.
Select a country from the list below to learn more
- PSMA Signatories
- Initiated Ratification Process
- Ratified
- All Countries