Scientists at Work: 'The Jane Goodall of Penguins'

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Scientists at Work: 'The Jane Goodall of Penguins'

Stat: The penguin population in Punta Tombo, Argentina, has declined by 43 percent since 1987.

Story: Not all of those birds are dying: Many are relocating to areas with more prey—a move aided by their ability to swim 170 kilometers a day—and 200,000 breeding pairs remain in Punta Tombo. But expert Dee Boersma, known as the Jane Goodall of penguins, says the decline may foretell worrying trends in the ecosystem. Host Dan LeDuc sits down with Boersma, and hears from a few of the penguins, to learn more.

Turbo the Penguin
Center for Ecosystem Sentinels

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