Election Tech Tuesday: Voting Information Project Offers Election Information App for Apple Mobile Devices

Election Tech Tuesday: Voting Information Project Offers Election Information App for Apple Mobile Devices

This Election Data Dispatch series explores emerging issues in elections technology and their relationship to the future of voting and civic engagement in America.

Voting Information Project Offers Election Information App for Apple Mobile Devices

To connect more voters with the election information they need, the Voting Information Project has released an open source app for iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system. By providing official information, sourced directly from states, the app allows voters to find polling place, ballot, and candidate details from a mobile device. The app also supports multiple languages and includes text-to-speech functionality for voters with accessibility needs. Azavea developed the open source code and is currently building an Android version, which will be available before the November 2014 general election.

The Voting Information Project (VIP) is making the iOS app available as a white label—that is, provided to organizations with permission to brand it as their own—and at no cost to states, local governments, campaigns, and civic engagement organizations.

VIP will host several webinars on the app:

  • Wednesday, June 25, 1 p.m. EST: General Overview of the VIP iOS App for State and Local Government: Features and Functionality. Register here
  • Friday, June 27, 2 p.m. EST: Technical Overview of the VIP iOS App: Installing, Customizing, Branding, and Releasing the App. This webinar will be highly technical and is recommended for information technology staff. Register here.

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