National HIA Meeting 2013: Policymaker Track – HIA for Policymaking: Local, State, and Federal Examples

HIA for Policymaking: Local, State, and Federal Examples

National HIA Meeting 2013: Policymaker Track – HIA for Policymaking: Local, State, and Federal Examples


This panel will build on the morning plenary sessions and highlight the practical aspects of implementing HIAs in a range of policy settings. Each case example will address: what information the HIA added that was not already available through other studies underway, what else was valuable about the HIA, the interaction between the HIA team and the decision maker, the outcomes of the HIA, and reflections on the practical challenges of working within this policy context.


Keshia Pollack, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Sarah Morris‐Compton, Baltimore City Health Department

Holly Holtzen, Ohio Housing Finance Agency

HIA for Policymaking (PDF)

Paul Anderson, State of Alaska, Division of Public Health

Alaska’s Early Experience With Institutionalization Of Health Impact Assessment (PDF)