National HIA Meeting 2013: General Session – Achieving Health and Equity Through Education HIAs

National HIA Meeting 2013: General Session – Achieving Health and Equity Through Education HIAs


Over the past two years HIA has proven to be an effective tool to inform education policy in diverse contexts. This session will describe HIAs of school discipline policies, a state bill focused on funding to racially integrate schools, and a proposed new learning academy at a low‐performing public high school.


Cela Harris, Human Impact Partners

Achieving Heath and Equity Through Education HIAs (PDF)


Maisie Chin, Community Asset Development Re‐defining Education (CADRE)

Parent Organizing, HIAs and Countering Structural Racism in South LA Schools  (PDF)

Phyllis Hill, ISAIAH

Rapid Health Impact Assessment of School Integration Strategies in Minnesota (PDF)

Susana Morales‐Konishi, Youth UpRising

Youth Led HIA (PDF)

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