National HIA Meeting 2013 - Breakout Session

HIA for Land Use Decisions


This session will explore the application of HIA to large‐ or small‐scale land use decisions. Leading practitioners in the field will present on their work.


Steve White, Oregon Public Health Institute


Arthi Rao, Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development
Sarah Smith, Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development
Nisha Botchwey, Georgia Institute of Technology

Health Impact Assessment of the Atlanta Regional PLAN 2040 (PDF)

Chris Coombe, Detroit Urban Research Center
Donele Wilkins, Green Door Initiative
Ben Cave, Ben Cave Associates Ltd.

Healthy Neighborhoods for a Healthy Detroit (PDF)

Maya H. Pack, South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health

A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of Park, Trail, and Green Space Planning in the West Side of Greenville, South Carolina (PDF)

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