Jessica Donze Black Participates in Twitter Chat on Healthy School Foods

Jessica Donze Black Participates in Twitter Chat on Healthy School Foods

Kids’ Safe & Healthful Foods Project,, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution team, and are co-hosting a tweet chat this Friday, June 15 at 12 p.m. ET to discuss childhood obesity and the impact of snacks and beverages sold in schools.

Four out of five American voters favor national nutrition standards that would limit calories, fat, and sodium in snack and à la carte foods sold in U.S. schools and encourage the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy items, according to recent research from the project. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expected to propose such standards in the near future.

If you have a question or comment to share ahead of time, please email with your question or comment as a tweet.

Follow the hosts: @JDonzeBlack_Pew, @MomsRising, @Prevent_Obesity, and @FoodRev

Learn more about chat co-host and Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project Director, Jessica Donze Black, and the project’s recent visit to a school in New Jersey meeting high nutrition standards for thousands of students.