National HIA Meeting 2012
Lunch and Plenary Panel: How Do You Make HIA Stick?
What are the different models and options for sustaining HIA? A panel of speakers will provide concrete examples of the ways in which HIA activities have been built into standard decision making at the state, local and international levels.
Moderator: Doug Farquhar, National Conference of State Legislatures
Rajiv Bhatia, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Permitting Fees Used to Pay for HIA: An Example from the San Francisco Department of Public Health
Suzanne Condon, Massachusetts Department of Health
Paul Anderson, Alaska State Health Department
Full-Time HIA Coordinator at State Health Department (PDF)
Patrick Harris, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, University of New South Wales
HIA and Public Policy Internationally: Essential Elements for Sustaining HIA (PDF)