National HIA Meeting 2012 - Good Health & Good Work

How Labor Policy HIAs Impact Strategies & Messages to Protect Workers

National HIA Meeting 2012 - Good Health & Good Work


This session will present the findings, methods and impacts of three HIAs on labor policies: a local ordinance to increase the minimum wage, a state bill to increase labor protections for domestic workers and a federal bill to establish paid sick time in workplaces with more than 15 employees. The panelists will share lessons learned from conducting and using the HIAs, suggestions for future labor-related HIA topics, and recommendations for HIA practitioners about how to work effectively with community-based organizations, policymakers and the media to implement health-protective, equitable and enforceable labor and workplace policies.

Moderator: Kim Gilhuly, Human Impact Partners

Good Health & Good Work: How Labor Policy HIAs Impact Strategies and Messages to Protect Workers (PDF)

Rajiv Bhatia, San Francisco Department of Public Health

Christina Fletes, DataCenter

Vicki Shabo, National Partnership for Women and Families