National HIA Meeting 2012: Good Health & Good Work: How Labor Policy HIAs Impact Strategies & Messages to Protect Workers
This session will present the findings, methods and impacts of three HIAs on labor policies: a local ordinance to increase the minimum wage, a state bill to increase labor protections for domestic workers and a federal bill to establish paid sick time in workplaces with more than 15 employees. The panelists will share lessons learned from conducting and using the HIAs, suggestions for future labor-related HIA topics, and recommendations for HIA practitioners about how to work effectively with community-based organizations, policymakers and the media to implement health-protective, equitable and enforceable labor and workplace policies.
Moderator: Kim Gilhuly, Human Impact Partners
Rajiv Bhatia, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Christina Fletes, DataCenter
Vicki Shabo, National Partnership for Women and Families