Innovation in Resilience

2017 Annual Forum


Innovation in Resilience
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The Pew Charitable Trusts co-hosted the Resilient Nation Partnership Network's 3rd Annual Partnership Forum.

Event Details

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017
9 a.m.-6 p.m. ET

The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) co-hosted the Resilient Nation Partnership Network’s 2017 Annual Forum on Nov. 8. A panel of experts from a variety of industries and organizations discussed recovery and rebuilding efforts after Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

Roy Wright, FEMA’s deputy associate administrator for insurance and mitigation, and Dawn Zimmer, mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey, provided the opening and closing remarks, respectively. Panel sessions focused on creating disaster-resilient communities and nature-based solutions to address sea level rise and flooding. The forum also included interactive breakout sessions on flood risk from the Marian Koshland Science Museum and the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center.

The event featured:

  • Roy Wright, deputy associate administrator for insurance and mitigation, FEMA
  • Dawn Zimmer, mayor, Hoboken, New Jersey
  • Laura Lightbody, project director, flood-prepared communities initiative, The Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Nick Shufro, assistant administrator, Risk Management Directorate, FEMA
  • Angela Gladwell, deputy assistant administrator, Risk Management Directorate, FEMA
  • Eric Letvin, deputy associate administrator, Mitigation Directorate, FEMA
  • Claudia Murphy, director, Policyholder Services Division, FEMA  
  • Brett Jenks, CEO, Rare, a global conservation organization
  • Dan Rizza, manager for external relations and business development, Climate Central
  • Anthony Veerkamp, director of programs, Preservation Green Lab, National Trust for Historic Preservation
  • Sarah Murdock, director, U.S. climate resilience and water policy, The Nature Conservancy
  • Hank Hodde, planning and policy manager, Smart Home America
  • Margaret Kohring, Midwest regional director of conservation services, The Conservation Fund
  • Chrissy Caggiano, senior mitigation strategist, Resilience Action Partners

Disaster Preparedness After Hurricane Season

Quick View

Those interested in improving the United States’ preparation for major floods must move beyond discussing the issue to achieving lasting results, a senior Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) official told the audience at this month’s Resilient Nation Partnership Network’s annual forum.