Matt Skroch


Matt Skroch
Matt Skroch
Matt Skroch
Project Director
U.S. Conservation
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Matt Skroch directs work to conserve biodiversity and improve climate resilience for people and nature throughout the intermountain west and Alaska for Pew’s U.S. conservation project. Previously he oversaw Pew's efforts to improve ecological connectivity in the West, working with federal, state, and nongovernmental partners to bring together—and foster collaboration among—scientists, policymakers, and management. Skroch is based in Portland, Oregon.

Before coming to Pew, Skroch worked with regional and statewide conservation organizations in Arizona, New Mexico, and northwest Mexico, overseeing programs focused on wildlife corridor conservation, wilderness protection, habitat restoration, and private land conservation.

Skroch holds a bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology from Iowa State University and a master’s in conservation planning from the University of Arizona.