DNA Becoming an Important Tool for Policing Seafood

DNA Becoming an Important Tool for Policing Seafood

Genomics—the process that allows the simultaneous study of multiple genes—is one of the most powerful tools in science. It offers near-magical possibilities, such as tailoring cancer treatments to a patient’s individual needs or using DNA from a crime scene to generate an image of a suspect’s face.  

This magic is now available to combat illegal fishing and related threats to the seafood supply and marine ecosystems as described in a guest blog featured this month by Scientific American, written by Pew marine fellow Scott Baker and Ben Shouse, a senior associate with Pew’s environmental science team. The idea for the post emerged from a Herbert W. Hoover Foundation genomics workshop held in 2014.

© 2007 U.S. Coast Guard photo

The Bangun Perkasa, a stateless fishing vessel, is suspected of large-scale illegal driftnet fishing on the high seas.

Read the post on Scientific American: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/policing-seafood-with-dna/