Trust Magazine

How Americans View Their Jobs

End note

In this Issue:

  • Summer 2023
  • A Global Agreement to Save The High Seas
  • A Marquee Talent
  • For Nearly Two Decades, Just the Facts
  • Noteworthy
  • Mind the Gender Pay Gap
  • How Americans View Their Jobs
  • Humility Paves the Way for Flood Resilience Policies
  • Meeting the Opioid Crisis–Now What?
  • Questions That Help Save Lives
  • Return on Investment
  • Staff Raise Their Hands to Volunteer
  • The Asian American Experience
  • To Strengthen Democracy and Create a Better World
  • What Inspires You?
  • View All Other Issues
How Americans View Their Jobs

In the wake of the Great Resignation and amid reports of “quiet quitting,” only about half of U.S. workers say they are extremely or very satisfied with their job overall, according to a Pew Research Center survey released in March. Even smaller shares express high levels of satisfaction with their opportunities for training and skills development, how much they are paid, and their opportunities for promotion.

A Global Agreement to Save The High Seas Return on Investment
Trend Magazine

Your Next Co-Worker May Be a Robot

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Trend Magazine

Technological advances are moving robots beyond rote, automated tasks.


Conservation Bills That Can Help the Economy

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With the new Congress two months into its term, lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle have found agreement on legislation to help conserve our public landscapes and aid our nation’s economic recovery. By a bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives this week passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act—a package of bills that would enhance access to our public lands and rivers, safeguard them, and facilitate job creation.