Archived Project

Global Ocean Legacy


In September 2016, the British government formally established a fully protected marine reserve in the waters surrounding the Pitcairn Islands. A small U.K. overseas territory in the remote central South Pacific Ocean, Pitcairn has one of the largest exclusive economic zones in the world. Within these waters lies one of the planet’s best-preserved ecosystems—a complex community of hard and soft corals that are home to hundreds of species of fish, including two found nowhere else on Earth. Pew, on behalf of its Global Ocean Legacy partners, helped make the case for the reserve’s designation. Today, the Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Project and its partners are working with the British government and the Pitcairn Island community to implement the Pitcairn Islands Marine Reserve and protect this important habitat for generations to come.

Press Releases & Statements

Pew salue la création de la réserve marine des îles Pitcairn par le Royaume-Uni

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Press Releases & Statements

LONDRES — The Pew Charitable Trusts se joint au conseil de l'île Pitcairn pour saluer la création par le gouvernement de Sa Majesté la Reine, d'une réserve marine d'une surface de 830 000 km2 autour des îles Pitcairn, dans l’Océan Pacifique Sud.

Our Work

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Archived Project

Le projet Héritage des océans de Pew et Bertarelli

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De la chaleur de l'équateur au froid rigoureux des pôles, les océans sont le lien qui unit notre planète. Représentant plus de 70 pour cent de la surface terrestre, ils abritent près d'un quart des espèces connues dans le monde, sans compter celles qui restent encore à découvrir. Mais les océans sont de plus en plus menacés par les activités humaines.

Where We Work
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Global Ocean Legacy works with local communities, governments and scientists around the world to protect and conserve some of our most important and unspoiled ocean environments.

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Global Ocean Legacy works with local communities, governments and scientists around the world to protect and conserve some of our most important and unspoiled ocean environments.

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U.K. Government Builds Its Ocean Legacy

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In March 2015, the United Kingdom declared the world’s largest fully protected marine reserve in the Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. At 834,334 square kilometers (322,138 square miles), the Pitcairn Islands Marine Reserve is the largest continuous area of protected ocean on the planet.