Evidence-Based Policymaking: Budget Development

Resources for states and counties

Editor's note: This page was updated July 27, 2018, to provide more information about the project's work on budget development.

In 2014, the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative identified five key components of evidence-based policymaking: program assessment, budget development, implementation oversight, outcome monitoring, and targeted evaluation. Considering and implementing one or more of these components can help states and counties successfully use the Results First framework in a way that yields meaningful changes for their communities.

States and counties can use data to inform their budgets, what Results First calls evidence-based budget development. Included on this page are links to briefs, fact sheets, and other resources. Along with explanatory documents, this section also includes stories about how select states and counties approach this critical component of evidence-based policymaking.

Strategy: Build evidence into contracts

Strategy: Use evidence in the budget process

Strategy: Target funds to evidence-based programs

Evidence-based policymaking
Evidence-based policymaking

Evidence-Based Policymaking Resource Center

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Evidence-Based Policymaking Resource Center

In 2014, the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative developed a framework for state and county leaders interested in evidence-based policymaking. This framework consists of five key components to help governments use rigorous evidence and data to guide policy and funding decisions.

Issue Brief

A Guide to Evidence-Based Budget Development

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Issue Brief

This brief is one in a series about the five key components of evidence-based policymaking as identified in ‘Evidence-Based Policymaking: Government,’ a 2014 report.

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