What Sort of Philadelphian are You?

Pope Francis Historic U.S. Visit - Philadelphia

Are you a Die-Hard Loyalist, a Dissatisfied Citizen, an Uncommitted Skeptic, or an Enthusiastic Urbanist? Take our quiz, based on a survey of 1,603 adult city residents, and find out.

On some of the questions, you will be asked to endorse one of two statements about a topic. You may partly agree with both statements or feel that neither quite describes your view. In those cases, please pick the answer that is closest to your view, even if it’s not an exact fit.

Please answer all 20 questions to show results
Issue Brief

A New Way of Looking at Philadelphians

Beyond income, neighborhood, and race

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Issue Brief

Since 2009, The Pew Charitable Trusts has produced detailed research about Philadelphia, analyzing the challenges the city has faced and documenting the ways the city has changed. As part of that research, Pew has commissioned public opinion polls on a regular basis, gauging residents’ views on the quality of city services, the condition of neighborhoods, and the outlook for the future. A key element of these polls has been to see how opinions differ among groups defined by income, neighborhood, race, age, and levels of education.

Philadelphia skyline
Philadelphia skyline

A New Way of Looking at Cities

An innovative set of polling questions about Philadelphia offers a different perspective for crafting urban policy

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For all communities, but especially for post-industrial cities such as Philadelphia, increasing the number of residents is necessary to expand the local economy, broaden the tax base to support infrastructure, and draw new employers seeking a skilled workforce.


Philadelphians by Attitude: The 4 Types

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The challenge ahead for Philadelphia is to reduce the number of Uncommitted Skeptics and Dissatisfied Citizens while increasing the ranks of the Die-Hard Loyalists and Enthusiastic Urbanists.