
Immigration, Poverty, and Changing Neighborhoods

Philadelphia has often been described as a tale of two cities: On one hand, its population has been rising steadily for more than a decade, fueled by an influx of Millennials and immigrants, while on the other hand, its poverty rate has remained stubbornly high. Pew researches how these and other important demographic trends affect the city’s neighborhoods, residents, and businesses, as well as government services. Our work in this area has examined the major demographic groups driving the city’s population growth, gentrification and other types of neighborhood change, the decline of the middle class, and issues related to persistently high poverty, including who makes up Philadelphia’s poor population, where they live, and how their financial well-being affects everything from their health and housing to education and employment.


Philadelphia's Immigrants

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Philadelphia's Immigrants

近年来,移民已成为费城人口增长的主要推动力,对城市和地区具有长期的人口和经济影响。 2016年——也就是本报告获得人口普查数据的最后一年,该市有超过 232,000 名出生在国外的居民,人数自 2000 年以来增加了 69%。这些移民占全部城市居民的近 15%,占全部劳动者的 19%,其中 14% 生活贫困。


Poverty in Philadelphia

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The impact of Philadelphia’s high poverty rate reaches far beyond the residents who struggle on a daily basis: The high rate limits the tax revenue available to support government services, increases the demand for those services, and weighs on the economic performance of the city as well as the region. Many issues facing Philadelphia—including crime, health, and public education—are rooted in the economic status of its less well-off residents. The Pew Charitable Trusts’ research on this topic examines the demographics and geography of poverty in Philadelphia, making comparisons over time and among cities.


Gentrification and Neighborhood Change in Philadelphia

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In recent years, a number of Philadelphia neighborhoods have undergone significant transformation, with higher-income residents moving in, real estate prices rising, new businesses replacing old ones, and racial and ethnic compositions changing. Such shifts, often seen as gentrification, have received a great deal of attention in the city.