Deep-Sea Mining and the Environment

International Seabed Authority’s secretary-general outlines approach to managing ocean floor at Pew event


Deep-Sea Mining and the Environment

The Pew Charitable Trusts hosted a presentation by Michael Lodge, secretary-general of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), on Nov. 13 in Washington. Two-thirds of the world’s ocean floor comes under ISA jurisdiction. Secretary-General Lodge underlined the importance of deep-ocean conservation and described strategies to protect ecosystems before and after mining begins. Additional speakers included Tom Dillon, vice president at The Pew Charitable Trusts, and Conn Nugent, director of Pew’s seabed mining project.


Event Rebroadcast: Deep Seabed Mining and the Environment

Episode 19

Quick View

The ocean floor is one of the least-explored places in the world. Rich with abundant marine life and mineral deposits, the deep seabed has attracted the interest of a newly forming deep-sea mining industry, which could threaten fragile marine ecosystems. In this episode, we rebroadcast an event at Pew featuring Michael Lodge, secretary-general of the International Seabed Authority, which oversees the seabed that lies beyond national jurisdiction—an area that covers more than half of the world’s ocean floor. Lodge spoke about the future of seabed mining, and the challenges and opportunities around developing rules—informed by science—that could govern this extractive activity while minimizing the environmental damage done to these pristine areas. To learn more, visit