Peter Shelley, J.D.


Peter Shelley, J.D.
Senior Counsel
Conservation Law Foundation

62 Summer Street
City, State, ZIP
Boston, Massachusetts 2110
[email protected]
Award year


Peter Shelley is senior counsel with the Conservation Law Foundation, where he has worked for 35 years on a variety of marine and other conservation matters in courts, legislatures, and the policy arena. Shelley used his Pew award to promote community-based, common property management of the marine resources in the Gulf of Maine. By fostering community participation in fisheries management, he promoted co-management focused on restoring health, diversity, and abundance to the region’s fish populations and other marine resources without sacrificing the long-term economic prosperity or social welfare of the region’s fishing communities. To this end, he participated in the creation and launching of the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, the first multi-stakeholder marine resources organization in the region. Although the geographic focus of his work has been on the U.S. side of the Gulf of Maine, Shelley has collaborated with Canadian conservation organizations and fishery groups and has undertaken extensive legal work with the Republic of Kiribati, Conservation International, and the New England Aquarium on the creation and support of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in the central Pacific.

To learn more about Shelley, visit his bio online:

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