Pew’s Gail Hansen on Perdue’s Antibiotic Reduction

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Pew’s Gail Hansen on Perdue’s Antibiotic Reduction

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Perdue Farms Inc. announced Sept. 3 that it would no longer use antibiotics in its hatcheries, the latest step in its 12-year-long effort to curb the overuse of antibiotics on its farms. The company reported that it had already stopped feeding the drugs to animals to make them grow faster, and it now uses them only to treat or control disease.

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What Is Antibiotic Resistance—and How Can We Fight It?

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as “superbugs,” are a major threat to modern medicine. But how does resistance work, and what can we do to slow the spread? Read personal stories, expert accounts, and more for the answers to those questions in our four-week email series: Slowing Superbugs.