Electronic Monitoring Programs for Global Fisheries
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Regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) are responsible for overseeing commercial fishing in more than 95% of the world’s ocean. Managers must be able to track data on catch and vessel activity to ensure that fishing is sustainable, but such monitoring is difficult when vessels operate far from shore, beyond the reach and view of authorities.
Many RFMOs require observers onboard some types of vessels, but fisheries managers, scientists, and other stakeholders increasingly recognize the need to expand coverage to all vessels to more accurately assess catch, bycatch, fishing effort, and compliance with regulations. Electronic monitoring (EM) programs offer a way to complement human observer coverage and expand oversight to fleets that are not independently monitored.
These fact sheets and other resources are designed to help RFMOs and interested stakeholders create effective EM programs that will improve oversight of international fisheries while increasing transparency and accountability.