Defensive Medicine Among High-Risk Specialist Physicians in a Volatile Malpractice Environment

Defensive Medicine Among High-Risk Specialist Physicians in a Volatile Malpractice Environment
The crisis enveloping the United States' medical malpractice system may leave some Americans without the care they need because it hampers their access to physicians, according to this report published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

The report concludes that defensive medicine is highly prevalent among physicians in Pennsylvania who pay the most for liability insurance, with potentially serious implications for cost, access, and both technical and interpersonal quality of care. 

The Project on Medical Liability in Pennsylvania — an independent, nonpartisan effort financed by The Pew Charitable Trusts — supported the study.

View the report abstract on Medicine Among High-Risk Specialist Physicians in a Volatile Malpractice Environment.

For a copy of the complete report, contact: [email protected].