Workshop on Potential Conflicts of Interest in GRAS Additive Decisions

Workshop on Potential Conflicts of Interest in GRAS Additive Decisions

On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, the food additives Project at The Pew Charitable Trusts hosted a multi-stakeholder workshop that discussed approaches to managing conflicts of interest. in a "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) determinations.

The workshop had two objectives:

  1. To better understand the different perspectives and approaches to dealing with conflicts of interest in GRAS determinations; and
  2. To discuss options that FDA could take if it wanted to adopt guidance to minimize these conflicts

The workshop also provided a forum to receive and discuss comments on proposed draft guidance on the issue.                                                                 

View the agenda and presenters' slides from the workshop

The event was co-sponsored by the journal Nature and The Institute of Food Technologists and was open to the public. It included representatives from FDA, EFSA, FEMA and GMA as well as experts on conflicts of interest.