National HIA Meeting 2012 Policy Maker Track HIA Examples from Practice in Various Policy Settings

National HIA Meeting 2012 Policy Maker Track HIA Examples from Practice in Various Policy Settings


This panel will build on the morning Plenary Sessions and highlight the practical aspects of implementing HIAs in a range of policy settings. Each case example will address: what information the HIA added that was not already available through other studies under way, what else was valuable about the HIA, the interaction between the HIA team and the decision maker, the outcomes of the HIA and reflections on the practical challenges of working within this policy context.

Moderator: Nancy Goff, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)

Amelia Greiner, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Baltimore Zoning HIA (municipal zoning)

Aaron Wernham, Health Impact Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Alaska Natural Resource Development Permitting: Integration of HIA & Environmental Impact Statements

Jae Douglas, Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Wind Energy